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"Meanwhile On The Nile... Three Months In South Sudan" Episode 2: Nurses Richard and Bonface Part 2

Mahvash Season 8 Episode 3

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Nursing is a challenging profession anywhere in the world.  Listen to the stories of Richard and Bonface...how they beat the odds to become nurses in this new, poverty-stricken country that has faced war and economic devastation. 
Bonface is the in-charge nurse of the entire medical and pediatric ward of St. Theresa Mission hospital- a role he was chosen for years ago, since his dedication and work ethic were very clear early on. His passion for healthcare was rooted in childhood when he almost lost his life to rabies, but his father being a nurse is what saved him.  Bonface, now a dedicated father himself, goes above and beyond for his family and all members of his community.  But it doesn't stop there.  Listen to Bonface as he describes his vision for his own life and future as well as what he hopes for the community of Nzara.