Welcome to the Village
Topics about all aspects of child health and how all members of the community have a role to play in raising our growing youth. Legal DisclaimerThis Podcast and all the topics discussed in it are designed to give you information about the opinions of the individuals participating in it. All content on this podcast are created and produced for informational purposes only and is largely based on the personal experiences and opinions of Mahvash Majeed and her cohosts and guests appearing and speaking on this podcast. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health advice or emergency advice. The information is general and may not be suitable for your personal health and well-being. Do not use our content as your only resource to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, for therapeutic purposes or as a substitute for the advice of a health professional.Never delay seeking advice or disregard the advice of a medical professional, your doctor or mental health professional program based on this podcast’s information. If you have questions or concerns about your health or medical condition, please ask your doctor or other health professional. If you believe you are experiencing a health emergency call 911 or other emergency phone number, depending on the country you live in. Medical, psychological, and social information changes constantly and while we are all still learning, there is no guarantee about the accuracy of the information provided in this podcast. Mahvash Majeed and all individuals involved in the making of the podcast including her guest speakers do not assume legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, currency, or completeness of the content. If you choose to rely on any information within our content, you do so solely at your own risk.By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast or blog as medical, psychological, or social advice to treat any condition in either yourself or others. Consult your own physician, psychologist, or psychiatrist for any issues that you may be having involving their expertise. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guests or contributors to the podcast. Under no circumstances shall Mahvash Majeed, or her guests or contributors to the podcast be responsible for damages arising from the use of the podcast now or in the future. This is an individual podcast produced by Mahvash Majeed and in no way represents the opinions of St. Mary’s Healthcare or its associates or affiliates.
Welcome to the Village
"Meanwhile On The Nile... Three Months In South Sudan" Episode 2: Nurses Richard and Bonface Part 2
Nursing is a challenging profession anywhere in the world. Listen to the stories of Richard and Bonface...how they beat the odds to become nurses in this new, poverty-stricken country that has faced war and economic devastation.
Bonface is the in-charge nurse of the entire medical and pediatric ward of St. Theresa Mission hospital- a role he was chosen for years ago, since his dedication and work ethic were very clear early on. His passion for healthcare was rooted in childhood when he almost lost his life to rabies, but his father being a nurse is what saved him. Bonface, now a dedicated father himself, goes above and beyond for his family and all members of his community. But it doesn't stop there. Listen to Bonface as he describes his vision for his own life and future as well as what he hopes for the community of Nzara.